The Office of The Attorney General of Massachusetts
Bid Protest Decision Lookup

To view decisions from a particular year, click on the “Browse by Year” dropdown and select the year you wish to view. Decisions will be displayed chronologically, with the most recent decision for that year at the top. Click on the Decision Date, Awarding Authority, or Protestor to access the decision.
  • You may search by full text OR by any/all of the fields below the bar. If you select the “full text search” option, you will not be able to select any fields below the bar.
  • To search for a specific Bid Protest decision by Date, enter your search criteria below and then press the “Search” button.

(Combine keywords with operators - AND, NOT, OR - to refine your search; use quotation marks to search for an exact phrase.)

To search for a specific Bid Protest decision by Awarding Authority, Protestor, or Search Term(s), place an asterisk at the beginning and end of a search term(s). (I.e. - *water* in Awarding Authority will find all documents with "water" in the Awarding Authority's name.)